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All rule changes have unintended consequences |
The big change was Brendan's comment that if AC=Dexterity then Dexterity becomes overpowered.
My response is to make the base AC (or evade in my new terminology) class specific. With an option to increase over time (see next post).
Magic user / Specialist/Thief / normal man = 10
Cleric = 11
Fighter = 12
Demi-human as per campaign world
Cleric = 11
Fighter = 12
Demi-human as per campaign world
Dexterity bonus applies to base.
Part 1 with this adaption & Part 2:
1-2 on d6
Personal Initiative
1d6 + Dexterity Bonus
To hit an opponent
To hit an opponent roll a d20 (+ any modifiers) equal to or above an opponents evade score.
Dexterity bonus applies ‘to hit’ (melee and missile)
[Conversion from descending AC for most monsters: Evade score = 19 – AC]
To avoid being hit by an opponent
Evade score = Class Base + Dexterity Bonus + Any Evade Skill Points (see next post)
Magic user / Specialist/Thief / normal man = 10
Cleric = 11
Fighter = 12
Demi-human as per campaign world
Cleric = 11
Fighter = 12
Demi-human as per campaign world
Small Shield (150cn enc) = +1 evade vs 1 attack
Large Shield (300cn enc) = +1 evade vs 2 attacks
Strength bonus applies to damage from melee, thrown weapons, bows (not crossbows) etc
Armor Class
Damage reduction per die
Leather & padded hood
-1 damage per die
Chain & coif/helmet
-2 damage per die
Platemail & helmet
-3 damage per die
Great Helm
Additional -1 damage, surprised on a 1-3
A successful hit will always deal a minimum of 1 damage per die.
If head protection is not worn, armor will not reduce the damage of a 2nd successful attack that round.
Monster List for Labyrinth Lord demonstrates damage reduction not hard to apply to the majority of monster attacks. e.g. 2d8 damage and leather armor would reduce each d8 by 1 (minimum of 1 damage per die)
Natural ‘20’
Always hits
Maximum Damage (no need
to roll)
Cleave (if fighting 2
or more similar opponents any excess damage after first opponent is killed, automatically
carries over onto next opponent)
If opponent is
wearing armor, they may need to roll to see if their armor has been damaged (see below in Weapons & Armor Damage).
A natural roll of 1 means the combatant must make a
save vs paralysis [justification for this saving throw - reducing ability to act] or the weapon is notched / damaged and becomes -1 'to
hit' and damage.
(A natural 20 will still always hit. Once a weapon
will deliver 0 damage it is destroyed).
Strung Missile Weapons
A natural roll of 1 means the string has snapped.
Hurled Weapon (or Unarmed combat)
A natural roll of 1 means the thrower has fallen off balance. Roll vs Dexterity or lose Dex and shield bonus and is -(1-4) on the initiative roll next round.
Weapons & Armor Damage
Armor Damage
[Rather than go down the route of individual saves per item type, I am electing to keep the saving throw character dependent.]
- When a combatant is struck by a natural 20 in melee, a saving throw vs poison [saving throw justification - increasing vulnerability] must be made. A failure means the armor loses defensiveness.
- Shields are always lost first, then worn armor.
- When damage reduction is reduced to zero the armor is destroyed, but may still be repairable.
eg. Plate Mail becomes -2 damage reduction, then -1 damage reduction, then destroyed.
- Magic armor gives bonus to saves but magical items can still lose their defensive value. eg. Magic Shield +1 becomes magic shield +0, then destroyed.
Damaged armor can be repaired at 25gp and 3 days per loss of damage reduction.
Magic armor needs a magic user to fix, and at greater expense.
A character must attend to his armor and weapons a minimum of four times a year. Else -1 on any saving throw for the items.
In tropical and marsh environments, every week the character must spend all day tending to their weapons and armor.
A 20 always succeeds. A 1 always fails.
It is important to remember the save is when an item will fail you when needed most (in lethal combat), not how many practice hits in safety it would take to break the item.
Weapon and Armor Quality effect on Saving Throw
Poor Quality -2 to saving throw
Ordinary Quality no modifier to saving throw
Good Quality +2 to saving throw
Superb Quality +4 to saving throw
Magic Item + of item multiplied by 4
Each point of damage to the item is applied to each subsequent saving throw for that weapon or armor [a broken item becomes increasingly more likely to break again].
Wisdom bonus is applied to all saving throws
Encumbrance & Movement
Up to
1/4*Strength in Dungeon Stonea
1/4 to 1/2*Strength in Dungeon Stone
personal initiative, -1 evade
1/2 to 3/4*Strength in Dungeon Stone
personal initiative, -2 evade
3/4 to Strength in Dungeon Stone
personal initiative, -3 evade
than Strength, up to double Strength in Dungeon Stone
personal initiative, -4 evade
a 1 Dungeon Stone = 15 pounds = 150 cn = 1500 coins of the kingdom (small)
All encumbrance limits are rounded to nearest 0.5 Dungeon stone
Hey, for whatever reason I was thinking about this again.
ReplyDeleteDetails here:
Would be interested in hearing your thoughts.
Did you ever get to play test the version detailed here?