Wednesday, 11 May 2011

Launching a New Project: The Old School Adventure Guide

The inspiration came during my A to Z: Digging for Gems in the Dungeoneer's Survival Guide.
The idea was met with some enthusism from:
Carter Soles

Click HERE to go straight to the Guide.

What is the Old School Adventure Guide?
This guide is the collaborative effort of old school fans to create a set of coherent and play tested house rules for adventure settings outside the dungeon setting.
Its inspiration is the Expert set by Cook and as revised by Mentzer; and the Survival Guides of AD&D. Yet to be a resource in keeping with old school gaming requirements: short, sharp and house rulable. With great OSR art.
The aim is to publish a free PDF of this work, the dream is to create an at cost, physical book for the old school community.
Welcome to the Old School Adventure Guide, feel free to join us.

Collaborators: The Jovial Priest 
Arkhein at Rather Gamey who has generously donated his logo to the Guide (you may well remember the logo as runner up in the Links to Wisdom logo competition. The logo was too good not to try and find a home for it) 
Alex Schroeder

So far I have added two very short additions from my A is for Air Supply Post.
Hopefully this will give you some idea of the style I am suggesting, for the wiki guide at least, not necessarily the pdf/book.

I hope to add my broad jumping and belaying rules into spelunking soon and the Wilderness Travel System being fleshed out by Anthony and Alexis is surely worthy of inclusion but if you read my comments in Anthony's posts, you will see I have my own strong ideas.

As stated above, the idea is not to create links to posts or many house rules for each possible adventure rule, but create a coherent set of rules that we the contributors, believe work, are simple and yet cool.
So unlike The Links to Wisdom wiki, we need to settle on one rule for each and every possible rule, and that will require editorial decision making ie collaboration and agreement.

My advice, if you want to join this project and have a good rule idea:
Publish your idea on your blog and reflect on any comments.
Then publish to the wiki Guide.
Add yourself to the list of collaborators.
Enter any discussion that arises regarding your rule suggestion.

If you see a good idea in someone else's blog, then it would be only polite to seek their permission for inclusion in the Guide.

Will we get there? Who knows, but hopefully it will be fun trying.

1 comment:

  1. Well done! I will get right to work on some contributions -- Spawn and I have already been discussing some overland travel rate house rules.
